Friday, January 15, 2010

running ≠ giving blood

Wednesday was my official day of rest since I was gone. I ended up staying up way too late updating grades and got about 3 hrs sleep so I was totally exhausted yesterday. After school I donated blood, which I knew would make me even more tired. Yep. I went home, had a little to eat, fell asleep on the couch around 7ish with my kids. So, yesterday was an accidental day of rest.

Between being totally fatigued and giving blood I had a bad run tonight. I may even be mildly dehydrated. Fortunately it didn't get me down too much. At about mile .5 I developed a really bad side ache. I almost quit, but I told myself that if I could get to a mile or a little more I might feel better as sometimes it takes me a bit to get going. Nope. I just kept thinking how icky I felt today, even lightheaded once that I sat down in the middle of class, that maybe I better not push it too much tonight. My toes have been hurting the past couple days, too. I don't know if my socks aren't adjusted right or what, but I feel like I'm getting mild blisters on the outside of my pinky toes. Anyway, with all this I stopped at mile 2.5 ish and walked the remaining 2 miles. I really wanted to go another 5 min running, but my body was screaming at me and my mind was fighting a losing battle. I'm ok with that though. I'll try again tomorrow.

654 calories; 204 fat calories; 4.25 miles; 62 minutes

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