Sunday, November 14, 2010


Tonight I ran about 2.5 miles after a 92 day hiatus. I felt like Forest. We ran 1.8 miles in 15 min. We completed 3 miles in 25 min. It was a great run! Rachael and Bill went with us. On the way back into town they slowed way down so we slowed down, too. I felt like we were going rather slow, but J had her gps device that told how far we were going. I wasn't supposed to go hard on the run so it was probably good to have them behind me keeping me in check. It felt great to be back!

As we were headed up the first hill I could feel some pull on my ankle but it wasn't awful. On our way back into town I could feel some achiness creeping into the heel. Not convinced I'm totally healed yet. I just may keep my appt next week. We'll see. I'll run again in a couple days and see how it all goes.

The past few weeks have been absolutely gorgeous! Friday the temps started to drop. OK, they started to plummet. I knew I was going to run no matter what, even if it was snowing or raining! At least it was just chilly and not wet tonight. Frost started forming on my headband, however. Temp was about 30, wind chill in the mid 20s. It was the coldest Rachael or Bill had ever run in so they were a little surprised how chilly they were.

Also, I have had a nasty cold so wasn't sure if I'd be able to run. I lost my voice and the head cold started settling into my chest. The cool air cleared out my lungs and I felt really good when I got home. Hope this continues!

I have been running in the pool a couple times a week for the past few weeks. I try to "run" a mile and swim 1/2 mile. My arms feel it every time I swim laps. My calves and glutes are really getting a workout with that, which is good. Yesterday my butt felt achy! eeks. My legs tonight felt strong and ready to run. I think those times in the water are really paying off for me. It has been good cross-training and I'd like to keep doing it. I'd also like to learn more about efficient swimming techniques. I think I can do the breast/side stroke much faster than the crawl stroke. Somehow that doesn't seem to make much sense.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Well, I broke down and got a family membership at an indoor pool and rec facility. This way the whole family can enjoy the pool, weights, gym, and other opportunities all year. I figured even after I can start running again I probably won't be running far so this will be a good opportunity to cross train and also keep up the endurance and muscle tone.

Rachael went with me today so I had a companion. I walked for 40-45 minutes and swam for 15-20 min. I completed an hour in all. There were some other little girls in the pool, but it was mostly empty. Ironically, there were two lifeguards this time. Not sure if it was because there were younger kids there or why they had two of them. They also had two ropes across the pool so I couldn't swim the entire length of the pool. I was really hoping to get some long laps in again today. I wonder if it was the timing in it all.

While swimming today I realized a few things. I really need to count laps rather than look at the block. I push myself harder with the laps rather than the clock. No matter how many laps I put in I will still be in the water the same amount of time. Next time I will count laps. Also when I was actually doing the long laps I tried to do the breast stroke again, but became quite frustrated with not being able to do the breathing so I tried to do it with my head above water. I'm sure I looked pretty silly, but I was able to swim much farther that way. I think I'm afraid I will swallow water or something. Also it doesn't seem to be as efficient pulling my arms down through the water as it is pulling the around and to the side of my body. Seems like I gain more yardage that way.

40 min walking; 20 min laps

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Alternative running

It has been 9 weeks, exactly, that I have run. The hills combined with a change in running form without backing off on mileage gave me a stress fracture. It has been so hard to not run, but I'm following orders to get back on the road. I was in a boot for about 4 weeks and will be not running for at least the next 3 months.

I feel like I have been gaining weight, losing muscle, and overall getting back into a depression like I was last year, before I started running. Last Sunday was the Des Moines Marathon. I felt so down all day. All I could think about was I should have been running that marathon! My biological issue has also arisen again. This was perhaps the biggest push to get me to take action.

Tonight I went to an indoor pool to try to keep myself in shape. I knew I wouldn't be able to do as many miles as I would when I was out pounding the pavement, but I was hoping to at least get in one mile. I also wasn't sure how much I would be able to take of the water running. The pool was completely empty! I was the only one there. That was good. As I entered the pool a lifeguard climbed into the chair. I knew it would be either 10 min or an hour. In the back of my mind I wanted to reach a goal of at least 30 min in the water.

I quickly realized that I couldn't actually run in the water. At best I had to do a fast walk. The resistance was much more than I was anticipating. I walked as fast as I could for about 40 min, doing 32 down and back laps. It was actually 64 - 1/2 laps so I figured 32 full laps, right? Once the water reached my chest, it was too much to move so I stayed in the shallow end. I then swam another 8 full down and back laps. I had to do a lot of resting for the swimming part. I started off doing the breast stroke, but made it only about 1/2 way down. :( I just can't do that one. So, I did about everything else during those laps. Seriously, I need some major lessons in how to do that!! I just hold my breath the whole time. I think I'm afraid I will swallow water or something. I can exhale, but inhale is out of the question. So, vardotrichic, my question for you is how far is this really? Did I get at least a mile? I can't remember our conversation.

Anyway, when I got out of the pool and left the building I felt so awesome! It was that euphoric feeling that even though it was a ton of work and I was really tired and sweaty in there, it felt great. I want to do it again! It is certainly not my first choice of exercise, but it definitely felt great to be doing something again. We'll see how jello-y my legs are the next couple of days.

Next time I think I need to just walk about X min and then swim a few laps. I was trying to figure out how far I could go in X min however. I was also very consciously stepping on my toes and pushing off with them.

40 min walk; 20 min swim

Monday, August 16, 2010

My achilles heel

J emailed and suggested doing a 4-mile run tonight. Sure! Then I only need 11 miles yet for my goal for the week. About 8:45 I called her and she was getting ready to leave. I did a little stretching and was out the door.

On my way over I could feel my left heel acting up but thought I could run through it. We took off and I knew it would be a problem. It was only 4 miles thought. I didn't even wear "good" running clothes. About mile 2.5 I knew the last half would be difficult. By the end of mile 3 J was pulling me along. We had some really good conversation and venting going on so we just kept going. The last 1/2 mile was the worst. I felt every. single. step. My left foot felt like I couldn't even lift it. I was doing a heel strike with my left foot and a toe strike with my right. I'll probably be walking in circles tomorrow. My left foot felt like an 80-yr-old and my right foot felt like a 20-yr-old. Guess that evens out to a good age!

4 mile run; .2 mile walk; RPE - 3.5

Saturday, August 14, 2010

heat exhaustion

OK, It was 100% humidity and 75 degrees this morning at 3:30AM! It was starting to get foggy so I didn't go out in the country running. After about 5 miles I met up wtih J and we did another 8. When we got back into town Racahel met us and we did a couple more.

It was so insanely humid that I was just drenched with sweat! About mile 7 I got a chill. I thought maybe it was a cool breeze that was out in the country, but about mile 8 I got a chill that wouldn't go away and thought I wasn't sweating anymore either. :( I finished about mile 9. I would have completed the run, but knew I'd be going to the state fair where it would hot and humid again. I just didn't want to risk getting sick so I stopped.

14 mile run; .5 mile walk; RPE - 5


Ok, I really ran this run last Tuesday, but have been procrastinating getting it posted. I went out with J and she wore her Vibrams toes hoes. It was her longest run and it completed my goal for the week. During the last couple of miles we saw Jaci and ran with her. That was nice to break up the run a little.

5 mile run; .1 mile walk; RPE - 4

Sunday, August 8, 2010

new group

Last night someone on FB said they were going running so I asked if I could join the group. They were planning to do 15 miles this morning. If I add on 8 that I would run roundtrip to Ellsworth that would be 23 miles. yikes. Not sure I'm up for that today as there are heat advisories out for today. If I don't run back to Jewell and get a ride with one of them that would only be 19 miles. That's still a big run.

They usually meet in Ellsworth and start from there. This sounds a bit silly as they are from Jewell, but ok. So, I started a 4-mile warm up run to Ellsworth and waited for them at Kum N Go where they were going to meet. Our first 4 miles was a run back to Jewell!! ugh. They were going to do the Ethanol Loop here and then back to Ellsworth and finish a few miles there. I already had 4 miles on them so I went an additional 11 and stopped when they got back to Jewell and before they went to Ellsowrth again.

I took 2 GU packs. I ate one when I got to Ellsworth the first time and the other around mile 11 because I was starting to feel drained. That helped a little. My Achilles tendon was acting up again and I could feel blisters forming. Their route included a number of hills so that didn't help. I started off still quite sore from the last run so I knew I'd be pushing myself to get in the full 19-23 miles. I was glad they decided to run around the Jewell area because I hear they usually go north out of Ellsworth and do an "out and back" run. I was really hurting around mile 10 and wanted to quit, but I kept going. I knew this would be a good run for me. With my goal of 30 miles/week this run will really help. Now I only need 3 more miles for that goal. I should easily make that as this gives me 27.

Yesterday I consciously drank a lot, too, so that I would be well hydrated. I went to bed at a reasonable time to be well rested also. When I got to Ellsworth I filled up my bottles and drank some of it while I waited. I think I had like 12 oz before starting mile 5! It was overall a good run, but it really pushed my limits today. I had to peel off my clothes because they were so incredibly wet!! I don't think I've been this wet when it wasn't raining.

I brought my watch so that I could keep a constant pace and not start too fast and darin myself before the end. It was so incredibly dark when I started that I had to use the light in the watch to see the time. Apparently I accidentally pushed the start/stop button and stopped the time. I think I ran about a mile before I realized this. I was off before I got to Ellsworth. Then I stopped it at Ellsworth again and was to start when we started running. Yeah, well, I forgot to start it again. I think I ran almost 3 more miles before I realized that. ugh.

15 mile run; .5 mile walk; RPE - 4

Friday, August 6, 2010


After a 2-week hiatus due to vacation, I am back pounding the pavement this morning. J emailed wanting to run 6-9 miles this morning. I really wanted at least 10 so I did a couple before I met up with her and then 7 with her and then met Rachael for the last 3 for a total of 12 miles. The low last night was 61 so it was nice and cool compared the past few weeks. the humidity was only in the 70s% so it was a beautiful morning!

After the run, my hip started bothering me again. I think it's my ITBand acting up again. I haven't really been doing my exercises and stretching so I'm sure that is why I'm having problems again. I still need to get started with the glutercises, too.

I feel like I am just randomly running, which in the big picture I guess is ok. However today I thought I should try to work toward a 30-mile week. I'd do some shorter runs and then finish off what's left on Sat mornings. That way I could do a few shorter runs or just a couple l ong runs. As long as I get 30 in, I've reached a goal. We'll see how that goes.

12 mile run; .1 mile walk; RPE - 4

Thursday, July 22, 2010

100% humidity

This is really a post for yesterday but I didn't have time to write.

I wanted to wake up and make the Stanhope run. I set the alarm for 3AM hoping I would be back by 7 and my kids wouldn't miss me too much. I woke up, looked at the weather on the computer and it said 100% humidity. ugh. I knew I'd never make it to Stanhope. I went back to bed. I woke up again around 4:30. I went out hoping for a few miles at least. I felt great at 3 miles so I kept going. The miles were flying by like blocks. The minutes were flying by like seconds. I was alone. It was a great feeling! I thought maybe I could do at least 15 miles. I was discouraged that I had only gone 13 miles since the marathon so I really wanted to go a littel farther at least.

A few weeks ago, before Claire got sick I found a training program that had 3-20 mile runs in it. I really wanted to do this to train for Des Moines. With vacation coming up, I wanted to do at least one of the runs before we left. This was my last week and I was having some really yucky runs. I really didn't think it was possible. The humidity was really geting to me!

As I was running, I felt so good. Things were moving along quite well. I kept adding more and more miles. The more I ran the more I realized I could do 20 miles today! I was going to meet Vardotrichic for lunch. It would be awesome to tell her I did 20 today! I was starting to get tired about mile 15. Hmmmm, this was the point I was starting to get tired in the marathon, too. I only needed 5 more miles today. I could do it! I was going to get back into town at 16 miles. I will go home, tell Rachael to get her running clothes on and meet me in the driveway 10 min later. I ran another mile and back to the house as I called another friend to ask if she wanted to go running, too. She did!

OK, I'm at 17 miles, only 3 to go. That's a 5K for Rachael. We ran 1/2 mile to the friend's house and went another 2 miles. The last 1/2 mile was the trip back home. I did it! I ran 20 miles today! I really think I could have done a marathon today! I felt GREAT! It is amazing to have such a great run. It was extremely humid, too.

20 mile run; .2 mile walk; RPE - 4

Tomorrow we start vacation so I may not be running for a couple weeks. yikes!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

New discovery

Ok, I don't know if this is really a new discovery or not, but I realized that the humidity affects me more than I thought. I had another bad run this morning so I started reflecting on why I am having these bad runs and looked back to my bad runs this past spring. The one common denominator is humidity! I think it is just worse during the summer because it is paired with heat.

I was going to get up at like 5ish this morning and go out and do a long run, but didn't wake up until 6:30. I should have known I was off to a bad start. Again, like last week, I wasn't physically tired; my legs really felt good. I was just totally exhausted. I think I was a little dehydrated as well, but totally dripping with sweat and couldn't go anymore. I made it like 6 miles, but walked. This is the defeating part of it. I just hope when it starts to cool down again that the runs get better.

6 miles; RPE - 5

Monday, July 12, 2010


4:15 the alarm goes off. I think about the new energy I got with an offer to run this morning with someone new. They aren't exactly early risers so I told them I would call them on my way back into town and we'd meet up and run together. We ran about a mile and stopped to walk. That was fine. I kept going and caught up to them later in town.

It was a GREAT run! I felt so good; I wanted to keep going. Boy did I need that! That last run was so devastating! So much so that I wanted to hang up my shoes and quit all together. I have been so down. It was great to have a good run. My legs were strong, I was well-hydrated, I was carb-loaded, I wasn't terribly winded. I was mentally strong. It was just a great run all around. Miles were flying by. I am also getting better about not heel striking. This has been the longest run since the marathon last month.

I have really been wanting someone to consistently run with me. J has been so busy lately that we haven't been able to run. I don't know if she is coincidentally busy or consciously busy. Either way, it's nice to have someone to run with and I haven't had that in about a month so I need to find someone.

12.6 mile run; .1 mile walk; RPE - 3

Friday, July 9, 2010


One word for this run: DEFEAT!

Tomorrow we have a big day planned and I knew I would be tired so I thought I would go out running tonight. The winds didn't seem too high so I thought it would be a good run. It's like 84 degrees. I really don't take the heat like I used to, but I think this was more of a mental defeat than a physical defeat.

My goal was 16 miles tonight, but I got a good 4 miles in and had already downed 10 oz of fluids. I decided this week that I was not going to do Des Moines so I think the combination of stress, heat, and no goal, I stopped. :( I am so disappointed. I run to relieve stress and when I couldn't finish the run I was so mentally defeated that stopped at the cemetery and just cried.

4 mile run; 1 mile walk; RPE - 5

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

fog fog fog

I was going to wake up at 5 and go out and run, but I was just too tired after this long week. I kept telling myself to get up, but my body wouldn't do it. About 6:20 I finally rolled out of bed. Rachael wanted to run with me so I woke her up when I left and told her to meet me at the cemetery. I left and did the south dog loop and then back into town and picked up Rachael.

Overall it was a good run, but I felt really tired through most of it. By the time I got back into town I started to perk up and got a second wind. I was even singing along with the ipod to Rachael; I think she likes that. I thought I was going really slow, but finished in about a 9.30 pace. I think it was a good thing I was slow getting out of bed this morning. It was really foggy out there. Running along the highway would not have been a good thing in all this fog. People are stupid out on the road! It lifted a little in the extra hour and a half I stayed in bed, but it was horrifically humid and wet out there. I was literally dripping when I was done.

I think stress and fatigue of this week are taking a toll on my body. I am eating when I should be sleeping, not running efficiently like I normally do, sleeping more than usual, etc. I am getting the flab back. The scale isn't killing me, but I feel like I'm physically falling apart. This is what got me out of bed this morning. Running is a great stress reliever and I always feel better after a run.

6.5 mile run; .2 mile walk; RPE - 4

Friday, July 2, 2010

This one's for Claire

Claire has been quite sick this week so we took her to the dr and happened to find a cyst on her femur. A typical fall could break her leg. That was all I could think about tonight on my run. I ran because she can't. :( When I got tired, I thought about what she can't do now. We'll take her to Iowa City on Tues. I prayed during the run. I wanted to do a rosary, but lost count so just said a bunch of Our Fathers and Hail Marys.

The first 3 miles I ran with Rachael. She was hurting real bad tonight, but didn't want to give up. She is very determined!! We were coming up on a turn around point so I made her walk a bit and then picked her up on the way back. I think she felt so devastated that she walked so we talked about how that was fine and the important thing is that she finish the race. I felt like I was reliving my early days of running. It's kinda fun to mentor her. After I got home, she really thanked me for encouraging her. Glad to know it helped. I don't want her to get frustrated.

I finished another 7 miles. It was hard, but it's done. I felt like my breathing a heart are strong, but my muscles are still recouping and retraining. I realized it was almost 11:00 at night so I thought I better quit.
The toe/midfoot strike is getting better. I felt like I was regressing a bit tonight, but overall it was good. I got really tired, but I think I am just overall fatigued and not functioning at top level. I am stressed and concerned for Claire. :( I've only been getting like 4-5 hrs sleep/night at best this week.

I'll wait for the outcome of Claire's next appt to decide if I do the Des Moines Marathon or not. Even if I don't do it, I'll still train and run, just for the exercise. I lost what I gained from my rest and am starting to feel better again. It's great to be back running.

10-mile run; .3 mile walk; RPE - 4

Monday, June 28, 2010

Family time

Tonight I ran with Rachael and Bill. That was really nice. I was impressed how far Rachael went! She was using quite a lot of extra energy, but she'll get it figured out and get a nice flowing run to her. She went the first 2.8 miles with us. She really really wanted to go farther, but had never run more than about 1.5 miles so I didn't want her to push it too much. Bill went another 1/2 mile and I finished a total of 5 miles.

It was an awesome run! It was soooo nice to have Bill and Rachael there. The last two miles just flew by by myself. I felt really strong and didn't really hurt or ache anywhere. When I got home I iced my knees hoping they wouldn't be achy later.

I really tried to run on my toes or ball of my foot again. There were a few times I was mentally drifting and realized I was still not running on my heels. YEAH! An old dog can be taught new tricks. I just hope I can maintain this because I think this is what I need to be doing.

The last thing is I need to start doing some cross training and some do some strength training as suggested by vardotrichic. My hamstrings and calves will benefit from some glute strengthening so I will try that first. I am quite saggy in the backside.

5 mile run; .25 mile walk; RPE - 3

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Good morning

Good morning storms. Good morning 16 mph winds. Good morning sunrise. Good morning shoes. Good morning roads. Good morning 10-mile run. I'M BAAAAAAACK!

My 10-day rest is over and I'm back running. It feels great! My knee and foot were bothersome for a little while, but overall it was a great run. About mile 2.5 I started to really feel my foot. It had a sharp pain toward the back of the arch. I thought it was going to be a loooong run. It eventually subsided and I kept going.

I've been thinking about these pains all week. My foot research stated causes as running the gutter of the road, hills, sudden increase in training miles, and overpornation of the foot. The hills could be a culprit. I immediately crossed off sudden increase in training miles, but after further thought I realized I actually increased my miles by 8 during the marathon! Oh, maybe that IS the reason. The gutter of the road. Hmmmm possibly. The 2-3 weeks before the marathon all my running was in town and I always ran to the side of the street rather than in the middle of street where the hump was. This accumulated a few miles over time so that could be a culprit as well.

I examined my shoes and realized they are wearing on the outside edge of the right heel a bit. I found some youtube videos about the biomechanics of running and a pronated foot. I took some mental notes and today I consciously focused on my foot strike during the run. I really tried to run on the mid section and the ball of my foot. This was supposed to make my calves work more and possibly be more sore after the run. I was ready for it! During the run I realized when I started getting tired, I would run on different parts of my foot to alleviate pain in that foot. I was running on all parts of my foot at different times.

Running on the ball of my foot makes me push off better while running and feels like "the ducks". I even ran on my toes for about 1/4 mile or so. I also really felt as if I was leaning forward more. Maybe I should take some video of my running and look at it see exactly what I am doing and then compare it to a "good runner". I could even video different runs, such as running with a heel strike, running with a mid-foot strike and running with a toe strike to see what that looks like.

Ok, back to running... I ran the first mile with Bill. He ran back home for a good 2-mile run this morning. I really like running with him. I'm glad he is starting to run with me. I ran a total of 6 miles with J. It's great to be back with her! When we got back to town, I did another 4 miles to complete the 10-mile run. I wasn't sure if I could finish the last 4 all by myself, but it was a good run. I think I need to start doing more solo runs to get myself good and tired for what it will be like race-day and I have to have the mental fortitude to keep going through the pain and I'm all alone.

I'm going to try to do the Des Moines marathon for my next one. I didn't think I could do the book again so I went online and looked for a different marathon training schedule. I found one that steps up and then back down. It's a 21-week program and I only have like 16 weeks left. The shortest mileage is 5 and the longest is 20 so that should be ok if I don't do the whole thing. I will also have 2 weeks of 20 miles. I may also up one of those to like 22-24 miles just to make the marathon not seem so bad. I hope I can do it! This will give me another good schedule to follow. However, on the other side, I'm a little concerned about time. The beginning of the school year is also very busy and stressful. Training takes a lot away from my family so I hope I have time to do all this! We are also taking a 2 week vacation in the middle of this training schedule so I will be losing a lot of running time.

10 mile run; .25 mile walk; RPE - 3

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Look to the Future

The recovery run went really really well. Bill actually ran with me the whole way last night. We did 2 miles. I was going to do 3, but enjoyed his company so much I just ran with him. I think I could turn him into a marathoner too! Shhh, don't tell him. I think he secretly enjoys it, but won't say.

The back of my left knee and my right foot & lower leg muscles have been quite achy. I don't know if I'm not totally recovered or what. My foot was really hurting on the run, though. I hope I haven't injured it. I think my achy knee will go away, though. I haven't iced anything yet so maybe I should do that. My sunburn is starting to peel so that is getting better, too. I will be running in a T-shirt (rather than a sleeveless shirt) for awhile yet.

The day before the race I thought about doing Okoboji and Des Moines. Then I would go from not being able to run 3 miles to running 3 marathons in one year! Wow, wouldn't that be cool! I'm' still pretty excited about having run one so if I never do any more running that would be an achievement. I have until July 4 for Okoboji registration and July 18 for Des Moines registration, at least before the price increases.

2 mile run; .2 mile walk' RPE - 3

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Marathon to Marathon, Storm Lake to Marathon Iowa, June 12 2010

As my blog description says and I have fulfilled this again today: I'm setting goals I never thought imaginable, achieving goals I always thought others were crazy for setting!

The day began at 3AM for me. I feel asleep at about 8:30 last night and my body was confused about all the sleep so I think I just woke up and felt very rested. I wasn't sure if I was nervous, excited, or truly rested. I heard some distant thunder and knew a storm would be coming through around 5AM. At 3:30 I just got up, went to the bathroom, and then ate a bagel that I brought along. At 4 I got out of bed and started my routine. I was glad I brought my foam roller along because I had that great pain that works out the tight muscles. I stuffed every pocket and crevice with gels and got my garbage bag on. By 4:50 it was raining so hard we could hardly see across the parking lot! At 5:15 we left for Storm Lake High School.

We got there and people were standing around. About 5:30 they announced that they would be delaying the start. They had been watching radar, in communication with Highway Patrol Division and all things looked nasty to be running: thunder, lightening, and wall cloud from the start of the storm that is indicative of tornadic activity! WHAT?!?! They were discussing various options, some of which included canceling and having the marathoners run only 1/2 marathon but give them marathon medals at the end, etc. I felt really bad for all the double marathoners and the 50 staters. There were some really upset people in the cafeteria of that high school! Long story short - we waited about 90 minutes before starting the race.

I was a bit concerned at the start as I had developed a mild GI problem and was unsure how that would play out. I knew there were portapotties at 5, 10, somewhere else along the route so I thought I could always stop if I needed to. The anxious anticipation at the start was like any other race I've had. This was a small event, only about 200 marathoners, some 1/2 marathoners who were bussed out to the 1/2 way mark, and then some marathon relays. I had never been a part of a race with a relay so this was going to be interesting. I felt like I was the only "virgin runner" at the start line, but I was determined nonetheless. "Slow and steady" I kept repeating to myself. "10-min mile is the goal." If I could do that I could finish in 4:20, but knew I would probably slow down toward the end at best. 4:30 was my goal, but I would be ok with 5 hrs. I didn't want to walk, but I would be ok if I did. As long as I don't hit the wall it will be successful. I know the book says to only have a goal of finishing and yes, this was ultimately my goal, but a general time in mind was good. My real goal was definitely to finish.

BANG! The gun went off and Kori and I started running our slow pace. Around the HS block, about .75 miles before heading out of town. I was concerned because my shins starting hurting almost immediately. It was that burning pain that I was worried would stop me dead in my tracks at some point. After a mile or so I didn't feel it anymore. Good! Kori wanted to start a 10:30 pace. I was ok with that, but felt so good I was going to try a 10-min pace. I totally missed the one-mile mark and 17 minutes had gone by. I knew I wasn't THAT slow today. I finally saw the 2-mile mark. Ok, I was a little fast. I slowed a bit. I started running with a guy that seemed to be going my pace. He was an older guy and he told me about running his first marathon at age 50. He shared some other stories with me too. after about 3 miles I realized he was going about a 9:30 min pace and I knew for sure that I couldn't sustain that so hung back a bit and let him go ahead.

About mile 5 or so a group of about 4 people come up. A mother and her boy were running together as well as another couple behind them. I ran with them and their time was dead on 10-min mile. Perfect! I'm going to run with these guys as long as I can. This boy looked young enough to be in cross country. I didn't want to insult him if he wasn't so we just started talking. He mentioned this was his 4th marathon this month!! He was going to do Grandma's next week also to complete 5 marathons in 5 weeks. WOW! His mother then looked at me and said, "Ask him how old he is!" He was 15! Amazing. I have met so many incredible athletes during this experience. I found during this run that I bought their good friend's old house. Small world.

I was able to run with them until somewhere in mile 14. They decided to run a little faster and do the run/walk thing. That was fine; I encouraged them to run ahead. Oh man, that means I have to do this all by myself! OK, I knew J would be coming around mile 15 so all I had to do was make it to the corner where we turned north. There was a water break at mile 15ish. I called Bill and told him to call J and tell her that because I really really needed someone. I had my ipod to distract me, but no headphones. She was bringing them for me. He said she was driving the route looking for me. I'm right here...come and get me! In the meantime I had a LOT of inner voice going on. I was running the race for my Grandma Smith, my godmother. I prayed to her asking for strength to get me through the last half of this thing. I've run 18 miles before. I can do this!

Miles 16-23 were a lot of work! Mile 18 came and I was just exhausted. I crossed the line on the road, thinking this was my record. Anything beyond this point was record-setting for me. J's words from last fall rung in my head, "The first half of the marathon is 18 miles; the last half is 8 miles!" I was alone. I thought J was waiting to meet me at mile 20 so I had 2 more miles to go. I just couldn't. There was a big hill that looked mountainous. I stopped. Dang. I got to the crest of the hill and went again. It was a good break, just what I needed to keep going.

J finally saw me somewhere on mile 20. I was soooo glad to see her I screamed and raised my arms in joy. I knew she would keep me going! I miss her chatter and snot rockets! She has always given me strength I never knew I had. I keep going when I'm with her; it's great running with her. She would help me for sure! She immediately stopped her van and jumped out ran with me! wow! I didn't think it would be so immediate. I thought she'd wait for the end of a mile and park on a side road or something. Nope. Here we go... We ran for about a mile and she turned around went back to the van. She met me a mile or two down the road and we did it again. In between I kept thinking of our shorter runs. Only 6 more miles, ok, that's like running to the end of the school road and then around Ethanol. Only 3 more miles, ok we're at the Ethanol corner and have to run home.

I was so exhausted that I started stopping at the water stations, walking for about 5 min and then running to next station. I did not realize how hard these last 6 miles would be! ugh. I felt bad walking, but it was the needed rest I was looking for to be able to continue on. I was SO! determined not to hit the wall this time. I had 7 gels during the run and stopped at every water station. I didn't take any food except for a jolly rancher that J had to unwrap for me at mile 21 and an icie at mile 24.

That icie was just what I needed! At mile 25 I looked at my watch and I was 4:13. Only 17 min to run ~1.5 miles! I can do it! I rounded the corner and starting sprinting (as much as virgin runner can sprint after 25 miles!) A 10-min mile would put me at the finish line in 15 minutes. I can do it! I have to do it! ugh...a hill... I pushed on. It was like my second wind. I was so determined to finish a marathon by 4:30 I kept going. I started hurting. A lot! This is it. This is the finish. Empty the tank. Hit the wall at the finish line. No regrets. Keep going. Push through the pain. It's almost there. The path had taken an unexpected turn. I didn't realize we were running on this road. I have to run all the way through town now to get to the Community Center. I thought we were running straight and then left into town, not this way! Oh nuts, I'm not going to make it. I stepped it up a bit more. I was passing people like crazy. At the last turn in town there were a couple people watching the runners come in, they were reading bib numbers, "woman, red, number 132". Jackpot! They're going to find my name and announce when I cross! I looked ahead. The finish line! I can do it. I ran as fast I possibly could at that point. I felt I was slowing. I looked at my watch. 4:28. I can do it!! It's right there! J said she would meet me at the finish line. Someone was taking pictures at the finish line. I had to smile as I finished my first marathon! 4:29 time on my watch. Can't wait for the final results to be mailed!

I was spent. That was everything I had in me. I staggered through the shoot as someone pulled off my race ticket and another woman put the medal on me. She was rather short and I had to bend down to get the medal on. ugh. I'm exhausted. Can't she lift it a little higher? Oh what a GREAT feeling! It was so exciting. I finally saw J as I staggered to the end of the shoot. She had her camera going, "So, tell me how it feels to finish a marathon!" "IT FEELS GREAT!" We laughed. It was awesome to have her there. My running buddy helped me through yet another long run. I staggered over to the food and got a banana. I had to hold on to the box so I wouldn't fall over. I just stood there eating. J got me a water and my bag. It kinda felt like Drake. She was taking care of me again. It was over. It was amazing. It was all worth it. I ran a marathon!! Yes, me, a 40-yr-old mother of 4. wow. That was GREAT!

Once I caught my breath and was able to walk again. I thought about Kori, how she was doing, and if she found someone to run with. I felt bad running ahead, but really wanted a 10-min pace. We walked back down a block or two before the finish line to cheer her on. She is a great person and has had great challenges in her running. She needed someone to cheer for her. About 1/2 hr later we finally saw her and I clapped and yelled for her. She did, indeed, find someone to run with. YEAH! She was able to finish! She will be so excited! It was her 6th attempt and her 3rd finish. Good for her! She did it!

26 miles 365 feet run; 40 min walk; RPE - 5.5; cool factor - off the chart! I'll be smiling for a loooooooong time. :)

Official time:
87th/171 runner
age group: 7th/18 runners

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Last Supper

I went out with J this morning on my last run before the big run. It was reminiscent of the Lord's Supper. He had a light meal; I had a light run. He was to soon face the biggest even of His life here on Earth; yeah, well, enough said. It was the last time He would be with all His closest friends; it was the last J run before the marathon. The list goes on...

I felt so winded this time. I think I am getting anxiety over the weather. They keep changing it so I can't mentally prepare for what it is really going to be like. For the last few days they've said storms and winds 10-15 from the south. Last night it changed to 1 hour of storms and then humid weather, winds from the north 10 mph, gusts up to 20ish. I have been praying for southern winds for the past few weeks. A strong head wind will really get to me. I have overcome hills; they end. I still have not overcome winds; they stay around and beat on me. The winds will tear down my mental game in the run. I have to keep thinking positive. This is where it will be nice to have Kori running with me.

The past couple of weeks with these shorter runs I have just been exhausted, like I can hardly finish the run. I don't know if it's my body trying to conserve for when it really needs it or what is going on, but I feeling unprepared in this regard. I know I have done the training as I need to, but I just hope it all comes together and I can have a strong finish.

3.5 mile run; .25 mile walk; RPE - 4

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

ducks, cows, and trust

Yes, that's right, another recovery run done. I had to call on the ducks to get my feet started and then had to "milk the cows" to pull myself through the end. I saw Spirit of the Marathon awhile back and Deena Kaster was at the end of her marathon. Her legs were spent and you could tell she was using her arm muscles to pull her through. She was hurting, but continued to forge ahead. I thought, huh, what an interesting concept. I imagine two thick ropes on each side of me that I pull myself to the end of the block, to the end of the mile, to the top of the hill, or whatever I am trying to defeat. As I pull on these ropes, I feel like I am milking a cow! My hands literally grab the ropes and pull back with each stride.

It was a difficult run physically. I had a lot of mental talk to do to keep myself going. I feel like I should be running longer and more this week, but am putting my trust in my research and reading. I really had an easy time on Sat running almost a half marathon. I really felt like I could have kept going and run back to Saylorville. It was so much fun to be able to sprint the last quarter or tenth of a mile. I have never felt so much energy the last bit of a run like that. I have to trust and have faith that it will work. Everything has worked so far and I have to keep believing!

Well, my prayers have been answered for Saturday. Vardotrichic's friend will be going to Marathon with me. I hope I can keep up with her. She is about my pace and we have similar goals. Yes, I know, I'm not supposed to have a time goal, just finish the run, but I think I will be able to finish somewhere between 4:30 and 5 hrs. I see her times are usually within that as well so we should make a good team! The email conversations I've had with her seem to reveal that we have similar priorities with this run so I think it will be fun. I am very optimistic despite the weather forecast.

3.5 mile run; .1 mile walk; RPE - 4

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Wow, that was a GREAT run! Only 12 miles, but a great 12 miles. I went slow. I didn't hit the wall. I was ready. There was pretty scenery. Forecasts all mentioned rain and storms, but I went anyway. We were totally drenched before we even got started. There were 7950+ runners. It was packed the whole way running. We were dodging runners left and right, trying to jockey for position and catch up to the ones running at our pace. We never did. We maintained around a 10- min pace. My legs didn't hurt; my muscles didn't hurt; I felt great the whole way through. The last 1/2 mile we were nearly sprinting to the finish. It was a great feeling. When we got done, I still felt great. I didn't ache or anything. I feel so ready for M2M.

12 mile run; 3 mile walk; RPE - 3

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Keep me humble

Conditions are similar to what they will be like Saturday for D2D so I headed south for a 5-mile run today. I got to the lake and came back and through town some more. I was contemplating my "recovery runs" and why they suck so much. I just dread doing that first run. I am convinced this run is what keeps me grounded and humble. I only hope that that is how I feel at mile 20. I know I will hurt and want to quit like all those awful recovery runs, but if it isn't any worse than that, it will be a successful run. I've started having doubts again lately so I need to keep positive.

I got into my flow almost right away on my run tonight. When I am in "flow" I totally lose sight of running. I don't feel anything. I just keep going. Lately I have been thinking about the marathon and what that will be like. It has pretty much consumed my thoughts that I am really not even thinking about D2D. This will just be another Sat run.

My legs and knees have been bothering me a bit lately so I did a lot of stretching tonight and have been trying to stretch more between runs, in the morning and evening. This helped with the run tonight I think. I need to keep doing that! Hindsight I haven't eaten many carbs this week so I will really step this up, too. It has been such a crazy week with the end of the school year that I haven't had time to even sleep! I hit the wall at the end of Drake and don't want to do that again! If I totally empty my tank Sat I don't know if I will be able to replenish it by the marathon. Anxiety is mounting....

Vardotrichic gave the name & number of a friend of hers that is wanting to run M2M. I called her tonight and left a message. Hopefully she doesn't think I'm some weirdo or something. That would be so nice to have someone to run with, keep me paced appropriately, and keep me company.

4.88 mile run; .1 mile walk; RPE - 3

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Resistence is [not] futile

Maybe the Borg say it is, but resistence is necessary in marathon training. I know I have hills coming. I know I have wind coming. I know I have the biggest challenge of my life so far. "Sometimes the moments that challenges us the most define us." Anyway, there were tornado watches out, strong winds and I only had 3 miles to do tonight. I ran the hill on the way to Ellsworth. Once I got to the other side I turned around and came back up the hill. There were like up to 20mph winds tonight and I kept waiting for the rain and hail to come. It didn't come until the last block of my cool-down.

I guess this could be called my reecovery run for the week. My legs hurt and my knee was really achy at the beginning, but I pushed through it. I would love to feel like this at mile 20. If I do, I will have a great! marathon. Part of me wishes vardotrichic would have given a more convincing argument for not do it, but darn I signed up before she did. lol I am so ready for this!

Last weekend I drove the route and saw there were a number of hills. The last 10-12 miles is a slow uphill climb most of the way. It's mostly rolling hills like around here though so I'm keeping positive.

3.5 mile run; .2 mile walk; RPE - 4

Friday, May 28, 2010

At Grandmas

Came over to mom and dad's house with the family. Walked in, changed my clothes, left everyone with grandma and grandpa and went running! I am 2 runs behind this week. Guess that's what end of the year does to me. Anyway, mapped out an 8 mile run and it went great! Got some good hills in, too. Mom and dad live on top of a big hill so no matter where I went I had to finish uphill.

I think I've reached a new level, or maybe just really slowed down the running. The past number of runs I have not burned out at the end. I have really tried to mentally prepare for the marathon. After the first mile I say, "OK, only 25 miles left", "Only 20 miles left" "Only 18 miles left - just like the longest run so far - piece of cake!" When I'm done at 8, or whever it is, I still feel strong and like a machine. Tonight I was a little slow, but I have consciously been thinking slow so that I don't burn up everything I've been storing. I've been taking it easy I guess you'd say.

It was a great run tonight. Monti is bigger than Jewell so it was nice to run all in town and not run on the same street for 8 miles. It starting getting dark, however and I was wishing I had more reflective gear on, but I kept plugging along. There were some neighborhoods that it seemed didn't have any street lights! This was kinda scarry, especially since I don't run with my glasses on. Dark and blind are not a good combination.

OK, my last announcement: I officially signed up for my marathon. I'm just going to do it! T minus 1 week to D2D and 2 weeks to M2M. I am officially tapering now. It will just be another Saturday run, just pushing myself a little farther. I can do it!!

8.5 mile run; .7 mile walk; RPE - 3

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A cleansing rain

There were storms in the forecast all day and I've been putting off this first "recovery run" long enough. I really wanted to do 5 miles, but thought I would push to get a minimum 2-3 miles in. I've been eating like crazy hoping that would help my run. Well! This was perhaps the best recovery run I've ever had! I am mentally preparing myself for the marathon. It has been in the 90s the past couple days with high humidity. I figured it may very well be like this on race day when I'm all by myself so I might as well just go out and get it over with!

The threatening storm didn't seem to bother me either. I was going to run the "dog" run to the south because there were southern winds tonight and I could have the wind at my back on the way home. However, with the impending rain I didn't want to be on the highway so I just stayed in town. I didn't have a route mapped out, but had a good idea about how far I was going based on some previous runs. I came pretty close - 4.77 miles. I felt good at the end of the run, like I could have gone another 10+ miles. "I am a machine. This is what I've been training for. I am strong. I am a marathoner. I am a machine!"

Eventually the rains came and it was very cool and refreshing. I had my hat on so it blocked the rain from my eyes. It really felt great. I could run 26 miles in that kind of rain. On the other hand, I don't think a rain run will be good for my ipod. :( So, I have to pray it doesn't rain on race day.

Because of all the heat and humidity, I have been very conscious about drinking more during the day to keep hydrated throughout the week. Unformtuately a side effect to this is it is cleaning out my body and it needs to get rid of it all! About a mile into the run I had to pee soooooo badly. I just kept going. I seriously contemplated going back to the house to pee and then continue on. No, it's only a few miles tonight. There won't be portapotties along the marathon route. Suck it up and keep running!

I got 2 boxes of gels for the upcoming races. I really really really find them totally disgusting, but it's what I have to do so I got some. I am not totally disgusted by the vanilla and strawberry/banana so I got those two flavors. I think this is one of those things like drinking during a run. I just have to do it a lot to get used to it. I just feel like I am eating a gallon of that icing you put between graham crackers. It's just a thick goo that doesn't sit well in my stomache. yuck. I tell myself good things as I'm eating them, though. That's how I choked them down.

4.77 mil run; 5 min walk; RPE - 3

Saturday, May 22, 2010

And this completes 47 miles

I was only going to do 10-12 this morning, but J wanted to do 16. I got done and still felt like I had a little in me so I finished with 18 miles. It wasn't as great as last week, but at least I can say I did 2 full 18-mile weeks. As we were running J was talking about her miles. I added mine up and realized I had completed 47 since I woke up last Saturday. WOW. That seems like a lot. If someone told me 2 months ago that I would be running 47 miles in one week I probably would have laughed at them.

There is only a couple weeks left before Dam to Dam and 3 before Marathon to Marathon. D2D was always my first goal. I should be able to do that with my eyes closed. I think I have tlaked myself into M2M. I printed off the registration form. It needs to be in their hands by June 2.

OK so the run went fairly well today. I felt like I was really pushing myself to get through it and using lots of self talk to keep going. We seemed to be running slower than usual, but J was really hurting toward the end of the run. She pushed through it. We have swithced roles lately. I'm the one pulling her through at the end. While I feel badly for her, I know exactly how she feels! I could never get through my last mile and she always had to pull me along. The winds were a little strong from the southeast. Going with the wind it was hot, but into the wind was a push. It was good for me though. I needed some more resistence training, especially on a long run. At the end of the run I felt as though the wall was coming very near so I was glad I was done. Another couple of miles might have been it for me today.

Long range forecast is predicting storms for D2D. Can find long range for M2M. Guess I'll just have to take what I get.

18 mile run; .2 mile walk; RPE - 4

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown

I wanted a run with wind and hills tonight so I went to Ellsworth. I got wind and hills. I think the winds were like around 15 mph and there was a one big hill and a couple gradual hills. That was just what I needed. It was great. I had about 6 miles of this. When I got back into town I saw a big uphill so I continued to the top of that. Just before I got to the top, I saw J running! I got to the corner and yelled to her. She turned around and ran the last couple miles with me.

Just as I was getting back into town, I was going over some gravel on the highway and a rock got in my shoe. Yes, "I got a rock!" just like Charlie Brown during trick-or-treating.

About 1/2 block after J and I met up again, a boy ran up to us and ran for a few blocks. He was "dared" to come run with us. Oh great! He asked how far we were going to run. We said a couple more miles. He was surprised and asked for long we had been running. We said, "oh, about 6." "About 6 what?" Seemed like a no-brainer to us, "miles", we responded. He was shocked! J asked him what he had been doing the past hour. He said "eating". haha.

OK, excitement is mounting... I think I need to just get myself registered for Marathon to Marathon. I'll probably do it anyway. I sooooo love to run with J! Just as I was getting ready to quit and saw her I got lots of energy again and the last 2 miles went by sooo quickly. It only seemed like 1/2 mile. Can I really do a marathon. OKOK YES! I CAN. I AM a marathoner. I know I'm getting stronger, my muscles are getting stronger, my heart is getting stronger, my lungs are getting stronger. I am well-prepared for this. My biggest concern now is the weather and hitting the wall. That is so not fun.

8 mile run; .25 walk; RPE - 3

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

3R run

I actually ran last night, but finally got to bed at just after midnight so didn't take the time to blog until today. The 3 Rs: reflective recovery run.

My goal was 5 miles when I started out, but like every first run after a long run I dogged it. This was not dogging it like I usually do, though because I felt really strong, like I had the energy to keep going. At the same time I was totally exhausted. Am I crazy for wanting to do a marathon after D2D? Maybe trivardochic should be talking me out of this a little more strongly. I have great apprehension about this, but yet am confident I can do it. I have one more week to register. Will it be yucky weather? Lots of hills? high winds? no spectators? Will I hit the wall like at Drake? Will I buen up all my carbs at D2D the week before? OK, so all this was running through my head as I ran last night.

I had about half the run on crappy roads. This didn't help either. I was on gravel/limestone for awhile. That didn't feel good. I don't know how people run through walking paths that aren't paved. OK, well I got that run out of the way. I think I did about 3-3.5 miles. It wasn't my goal, but it's over.

3 mile run; .25 mile walk; RPE - 3

Saturday, May 15, 2010

All alone

Well, J hasn't been feeling well with her leg so I had to go solo today. Wasn't sure I could really do it on my own. It's so nice to be chatting with someone else while running to get my mind off the miles slowly ticking away. I thought I would start aching too much and stop too soon.

I really really really wanted to do at least 12 miles. Wasn't sure if that was a possibility with only having done 8 miles as the longest run since Drake. I made a 14-mile route and thought, in the outside chance that I feel good on the run, I have about 3 spots where I could expand the run. Or, I could shortened it to 12 if I had to. I got to 5 miles and was getting loosened up, 8 miles really felt good so I thought perhaps I will expand it to 16 mile run. That would be good if I could do that. I made it to mile 11 and started to think perhaps I could do a full 18. That would put me back on schedule from before the last couple of weeks. If I can't do it, then I will just stop when I get back into town. I was headed back into town at mile 16 and really enjoyed how much carb loading I did this week. Yes, I CAN do 18 today. I was pushing myself, but thought it was time to start pushing. It's been a week with the new shoes and my leg has been feeling amazing. I can't give up now. As tired as I am, I really feel strong and like I can keep going. The wall is a ways off yet. I finished at J's house just to privately recognize her as my running buddy. We always seem to finish somewhere between her house and my house.

It was an awesome run! I really did 18 all by myself. I had to listen to 3 playlists to get through it but I did it. It was all me. I didn't need anyone "pulling" me along or even lots of inner voice talking. I even sped up toward the end trying to "empty the tank". I think I could have done a complete marathon today! I would have been totally exhausted, but I think I could have done it today. It felt really really good. It was nice to finally have a long run that I wasn't totally dragging at the end of it.

In the end I made good speed and kept a consistent pace. I checked my time a few times and was right on track for a 10-min mile. I must have sped up a little because I got back in the house I was right at 3 hrs, including the walking at the end.

Bill had a playlist that again was very inspiring for me. At mile 3 I started heading out on the highway. I heard "On the road again". After a few more songs and another mile or so of country running, "Country roads" came on the ipod. When I started getting tired and a bit achy, I heard a song that repeated something about not having pain anymore. It was absolutely perfect. I don't think he realizes what perfect timing he has on some of those songs.

When I got toward the end of the run, about 1/2 mile left to go, I was coming north on Hwy 69 and a man was standing at the Casey's corner. He motioned me to turn left and then another turn. ???? I took out one earplug and asked him to repeat. He realized my confusion and said, "Oh, you're not running in the relay?" "Uh, no, I've been running for 3 hrs and am almost done!" He clapped for me and encouraged me. It was kinda like running in a race! A total stranger helping me along. I love running!

18 mile run; .25 mile walk; RPE - 3.5

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Welcome bikers

Tonight my parents were here so I asked if they wanted to go for a bike ride. I ran 5 miles out to the Ethanol turn and back, and a couple more miles in town. I had my newest shoes on and it felt GREAT! Even at the end of the run when I usually poop out I was feeling great like I could have done another 5 miles. I am very excited to see what Saturday brings for a long run.

5 mile run; .25 mile walk; RPE - 2.5

Monday, May 10, 2010


My goal was 8 miles. and. I did eight miles! I am sooo excited. My body wanted to stop at around mile 2.5, but shut it off and kept going. I had to watch 3 shows to get that far, but I made it 1/3 marathon. I got home to 25+mph winds so decided that would just be too much. There were wind advisories telling me to just go to the basement and get on the treadmill. I listened. Could I have gone farther? If I had to, but that was my goal so I stopped. I feel strong enough to do like 12 miles on Saturday.

I heard at lunch today that they were going to close the bridge for construction just north of the golf course entrance. DANG! That means the Ethanol Loop is out of the question for running. UGH. That is the base for our routes. OK, so I drove out to the golf course today and it is indeed closed. grrr. Guess I'll have to run 4 miles, turn around and go back the other way. That will give us 8 mile trip rather than 5 miles.

Great run tonight nonetheless. I felt great and I will keep the shoes. My knees are a bit achy, but my leg feels greeeeaaaat. So, third time's a charm. I think I finally found the right shoe. Still rolling and stretching.

8 mile run; .5 mile walk; RPE - 3
T minus 3 weeks to D2D

Friday, May 7, 2010

Reestablishing a base

Finally got to run again tonight. My goal was a minimum of 5 miles. The winds were 20+mph. ugh. If I didn't have a bum leg I would suck it up and go run outside, but I am trying to heal this leg so I went to the basement.

This was a positive run in so many ways. I rolled and stretched for about a 1/2 hour before heading downstairs. The first mile kind of flew by. I made it to the end of the second season of Lost and the end of mile 5. I felt good. I think I could do 12-16 miles next week. I am getting more confidence again, but I feel like I am starting over at the beginning and have to work up to the point I was at a couple weeks ago. I did not have to drag myself back upstairs after the run by hanging on to the handrail. That was a huge postive!!

The shoes: I think I'm in the right shoe now. My leg is soooooo much better. I still have a little ways to go, but there is a marked improvement. However, tonight after the run I was bathing and my ankles felt a bit achy. I hope this is not a "consequence" of these shoes. I am cautiously optimistic...

5 mile run; .5 mile walk; RPE - 3

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

New month - new shoes

Well, a new month has started so I guess that means I need a new pair of shoes. Yep that's right: I've gone through three pair of shoes in as many months. This is getting silly. However, they were cheaper than the last pair and I have a week of indoor running to return them if they don't work out.

I went to Runner's Flat at the suggestion of Vardotrichic. I hope this is the last pair that I will need. They were very nice and seemed to really know what they were talking about there. I feel more knowledgeable now than a few months ago when I bought my first pair of shoes so I asked lots more questions. Sooner or later (hopefully sooner!) I will be in the correct pair of shoes. I ran on the treadmill for a little bit and they looked at my run. I discovered I run in a totally straight line. I mean s.t.r.a.i.g.h.t! That was rather weird to see. I always thought my feet went side by side, but I think I could run a tightrope. Anyway, my feet hit the ground straight so my shoes are tooooo much support, causing my foot to strain more as I run, putting more pressure on the IT band.

When I got home, I ran and didn't feel the nasty pain until about 3/4 mile so that was good. I almost thought it was going to be a good run! I went 2 miles, but felt I could go farther. Again, I didn't want to push it too much so I stopped and walked. My muscles were starting to burn anyway so it was probably better. I just hope I'm not losing what I've worked up to this far. When I walked upstairs again, the climb was nasty, but walking around the house was a much better after-run than I've had in a few weeks. Maybe it's all in my head, but this may actually work.

One of the positive side effects of all this running is a loss of 14 lbs. One of the negative side effects of all this running is the physical pain, resulting in less running, thus gradual weight gain again. ugh. I quit eating school lunch again and am just eating lightly again. This is helping, but I really just want to RUN!

2 mile run; 10 min walk; RPE - 3.5

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

40 going on 90

I have been feeling better lately so I finally ran again tonight. Not good. I feel like a 90-yr-old falling apart at the joints. My goal was 5 miles, but my knees hurt so bad I quit at 1.5 miles. I put ice on them and sat down again. J is even feeling pain and didn't finish her long run last weekend.

I've realized that my ITBand problem has arisen when I got my new shoes. There could also be a correlation with the high miles. I think my longest run at the time was like 10-12 miles. If it's the shoes, that's an easy fix. If it's the mileage, I'm ok with saying I'm just a 1/2 marathoner. That was my original goal anyway. I really want to do a full marathon but the week after Drake I thought I was reduced to a max of 1/2 marathon. When I was able to get back up to 7 miles and feel good again I thought a marathon was achievable. Now I'm down again.

Vardotrichic suggests going to Runner's Flat in Cedar Falls to get my run analyzed. I'm ready! I'm going tomorrow right after school so I can get there before they close. I'm afraid they will say, "Well, you are in too much pain and running too 'weird' to be able to analyze your run so why don't you lay low for a few weeks, heal up, and then come back and see us." Ugh, just fix me!

T minus 4 weeks to Dam to Dam...

1.5 mile run; 1/2 mile walk; RPE - 5

Saturday, May 1, 2010

To run or not to run...

Well, one week later I finally had a good run! Just four days ago I was almost in tears running and I was trying to hold myself up to not put all my weight on my leg. Today I did a full SEVEN miles with J! I was soooo excited. My goal was Ethanol, but was totally prepared to not finish it as a run, and maybe even call Bill to come and pick me up. However, on the other hand, I wasn't going to do any more than 7 miles so as not to push it too much.

I knew that if I run with J I would do way more than if I ran all by myself. I stretched for a good 20 minutes and rolled on the foam roller. We headed out to the Ethanol Plant. At mile about 1.4 I was feeling pretty good. I told her if I don't feel any worse at mile 4 that maybe we could do around the cemetery and back to the north edge of town. About half way around the loop a train came! We tried to sprint in front of it, but knew we wouldn't make it. The bars came down so we slowed to a fast walk. He finally stopped for us and let us go through. Thanks Mr Train Conductor. We went through the arms and kept going. He waved back. Back in town I was feeling great. I thought I could have even done the full 18 with J, but kept with my limit of 7 for the day. I came home and did another 15-20 min of stretching and rolling.

Next week J will have 13 and then the following week another 18 so I will join her the next two weeks. At least I won't feel like I'm cheating or like I'm starting over at the beginning of the training. I've definitely learned a lot in the past week. It's has been a great experience.

7 mile run; .5 mile walk; RPE - 3

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Tonight my goal was 30 minutes. While again, I fell short of this goal, I did increase my distance/time 25% so I still feel it was success. I am still have such stabbing, shooting pain in my hip and leg. I think my strong leg is compensating and I will start to feel pain in the good one now too. I'm wondering where that line is between when I just suck it up and keep running and when it is becoming an injury that I need to take care of.

Good thing: I feel very strong ~ strong lungs, strong heart, strong muscles, I truly feel prepared physically and mentally. My only problem is that !@#$%^ IT band. I have even been doing positive self talk during the day, "You're strong, just walk it off, it will get better." Nope. This is what bothers me. I stretch more now than ever before.

J says I just need RICE:

I must admit I've only been getting an average of like 4 hrs sleep this week per night. That's been rough! If I were well-rested I'm sure I would do much better. I feel like I'm running like I was at the very beginnning. I've lost everything I've gained the past couple months. :\

2 mile run; .25 walk; RPE - 4

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Post race recovery

Well, I read the last chapter of The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer when I got home. It suggested I take it easy after my [half]marathon. So, given my blistered toes and aching knee, hip, IT band, I decided I would run only 20 min at a slower pace. Wasn't sure I would even get that much, but J said she did 3 miles this morning so I had to at least try. She is still planning on the 18 mile run. The last chapter said to listen to your body and recover as quickly or slowly as necessary. I know I have to get running soon to loosen up my sore muscles and that leg.

I got on the treadmill because I thought if the pain gets too bad I'm not stranded out in the middle of nowhere. I really felt like a limping runner, like I had two artificial legs. I was hanging on to the rails as if I was on ice skates for the first time afraid to let go of the ledge. At first I put most of my weight on my arms. Then, slowly, I let the weight go to my legs and was able to run freely. The pain was nasty! I had to keep going to loosen the muscles though. This was key to repairing any damage. I have been eating protein like crazy trying to help them as well. I made it 15 minutes and just felt like that was enough. I walked the last 5 minutes. It felt like my left leg was compensating too much for the pain of the right and that I would have 2 bum legs rather than just one so I stopped.

Sleep is at a premium lately, too. I feel like I am really getting down in the dumps. It is totally amazing to me that I just ran a half marathon, but at the same time, I've run farther than that. I am not recovering from last Saturday. Can I seriously do a full marathon? Will I really be ready to do Dam to Dam? Maybe I pushed it too much. My lungs and heart felt great, but my legs were working too hard.

15 min run; 5 min walk; RPE - 5

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Drake Half Marathon

Well, I achieved my initial goal: complete a half marathon. I must say, it was sooo exciting! Adrenaline carried me through the first five miles. I smiled every mile.

Before the race, everyone started assembling at the start line. We became more and more crowded. There were people of all ages, 10 to 71. I think I saw both of them and everyone in between. An announcer made continual countdowns to the start time. I worried that we were maybe a little too close to the starting line. I was with J and wanted to run with her as much as possible, but thought we should have been farther back to allow the faster runners up front. She is a great inspiration and pace setter for me that I felt a stronger need to stay with her. The shot gun went off and the line moved rather slowly until we all got up to pace. We moved as a wave of bobbing heads. Excitement mounted. People were passing me like crazy. It was ok. My goal was to finish, nothing more.

It was so exciting to see all the people lining the streets, cheering on the runners. There were cowbells, little kids giving high fives to the runners, trainers offering verbal support to their team, people dressed up in costumes, etc. It was humbling to know that all these people were blindly cheering on total strangers. We were treated like royalty by everyone. Even when we stopped at a convenience store afterward, a few signs read "No public restrooms". I went inside and asked if "public" meant not even customers. I was prepared to just walk out, but he looked at me and J in our running attire, then to our numbers and medals, and said, "for the Drake runners, come on back!" At mile 2 we started seeing the 8K runners coming back. All the runners cheered for them as they were really pushing it back to the finish line. We later saw a woman running. Someone said, "Hey, that's the first woman!" Cheers erupted for her. It's this positive, encouraging environment that made the whole experience breathtaking and make me want to do it again.

I had loaded up on carbs all week in preparation of the run. I knew I was really scheduled to run 18 today so 13 was going to be easy. It's been 4 weeks since I've run that few miles in one run so I was just going to take it all in. I had only run 6 miles since last Sunday morning. I worked the foam roller on my legs and low back. That was incredibly helpful! I felt so prepared for the race.

As I said, the first 5 miles flew by! It was a great feeling. The gradual 3 mile climb was a struggle toward the end of mile 6, but I felt great about 1/2 mile later. We were averaging 9 min miles. wow that was fast, but we kept the pace. My fan club was really moving around to find a place to cheer me on. Miles 7-11 were getting progressively more difficult, but we started passing other people regularly. I had lots of self-talk and positive thinking because J was so focused and just not talking like she usually does. She said we were not doing our usual conversation pace. Just when I needed it, I saw my family. That helped me get through the pain and the hills, not that they were really that bad. I knew I had a big, gradual hill coming at mile 10 so I was mentally preparing myself for that. Mile 11 proved to be challenging as I was not prepared for those hills. I really didn't remember the hills at this point. I thought if I could make it through mile 10 I was home free. This is where the mental game got me. J was still running with me, but I felt we were slowing. I looked at her and said, "no matter where we are, you need to finish in front of me!" She just looked at me and smiled. At mile 12 she said, "well, if I'm going to make 2 hrs 5 min I need to go". I said, "GO!!" She forged ahead. No matter if I run 3 miles or 13, my last mile is always the worst. I think it's part of the mental game: you're almost done. Then, I shut down. I feel all the pain, anguish, struggle of the run. Only 1 more mile left. I can do it! It's only a mile. I visualized "to the end of the road past school and back". No problem. I've done it 100 times. One foot in front of the other. I felt myself slow to a crawl. People were passing me like crazy. That made me down, too. Just finish. That's all you have to do is finish. A water station was coming. I stopped to take a drink. A man who talked like a trainer was really encouraging me with lots of positive talk. I threw my cup to the side and thanked him. I kept going. I got a little farther and just couldn't go anymore. I stopped. It was probably only about 20 seconds, but it felt like an eternity! I said, ok, move your feet. Get going. You can do this! I was getting lightheaded again, my heads was falling back like I was falling asleep mid-stride. I consciously lifted my head, shoulders back, feet forward, one after another. Do it for Grandma! [I decided I would run the race for her.] I turned the corner and thought, ok 3 more blocks...or was it 4? I could barely see J up ahead. All of a sudden I hear on the loudspeaker "Janet Potter!" She had finished. I then heard another trainer shout, "empty the tank!!" That gave me a very brief burst of energy. It seemed like another eternity to get to the finish line. People passed me left and right. It was like they were getting a second wind and I had hit the wall. I had so many carbs this week. Maybe I went too fast at the beginning. OK, I went too fast at the beginning. Finally I could see the finish line with my own eyes. It's right there. I saw the final legs of all my difficult runs in the past. I made it through. I WAS going to finish this race running! I felt like I was so out of it and I was swerving all over the street. Oh great, that's just what I needed...pass out feet from the finish line and have everyone panic and come running to help me. No, that's NOT going to happen. I can do this. I heard "Kimberly Huegerich!" from the announcer. What?! I hadn't even hit the blue finish mat. Hitting the mat, a man announced, "2:07:XX" YES! Not bad, still within my unofficial goal.

Once I got past the mats I just wanted to collapse. I was staggering all over. I gulped 2 big glasses of water and staggered to the shoot. I saw J. I smiled. It was over. She came and greeted me. I was only 2 minutes slower coming in. We walked it off a little and she said, "You need to get your medal on. Let me help you with that. Bill and your kids can't see you without your medal!". My legs were jello. We looked around for everyone, but didn't see anyone. We went to the food tent and I gulped another box of juice, walked 2 feet and grabbed another juice. I loaded up on bagels, pears, cookies, bananas, etc. I ate a bagel bite, a cookie, and then a pear. I tried to eat a banana. It was perfectly ripe, but felt stuffed so I threw away the last 1/4 of it. It was a GREAT! run. I just kept smiling....

During the run I got lightheaded about 3-4 times. I don't know if I was slightly dehydrated, fatigued, or what happened, but was a little concerned. I really wanted to walk a few times, but I kept going. I'm glad I did. I just walked for a few seconds the last mile. Having J with me really kept me going. I don't know if I could do this all by myself, but I'm still smiling...

13.1 mile run; some light walking; RPE - 4; excitement - unchartable!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Foam Roller

YEAH! It came yesterday! I did some searching on youtube for some videos on how to use it. Found some GREAT! videos for IT Band. It was like a deep massage; just what I needed. When I woke up this morning I felt great! I think Sat is possible. I also found a rather large, deep bruise on my knee. It really hurts to run. At least I don't have problems with my leg as much. I'll have to ice my knee to help that.

My run actually went rather well. I even ran up the school hill toward the end. I felt like I was really huffing and puffing, though. I did 3 miles and thought, ok I still need another 10 miles of hills, wind, and driving rain. I think I had a pretty good pace as I was home within 35 min, including cool down walk. I came home, stretched, and rolled on my foam tube again.

I've been eating lots of carbs this week to fuel my muscles. I've been consciously drinking lots of water, too, and no wine. ;)

3.16 mile run; .2 mile walk; RPE - 4

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sick day run

Well, Claire woke up with a temp this morning and Matt was "barking" so I stayed home. This gave me great time to catch up on some running. Because of the run this coming weekend, I decided to back off on the running this week to let my muscles rest. Right before lunch I went to the treadmill.

J and I have been chatting about my ITBS problem. She suggested some treadmill time rather than street time, and ice. Yesterday I used a lot of ice. That was GREAT! I'll have to sleep on a bed of ice Friday night. haha. Starting the run is always the worst. I wanted to get that recovery run done and over with today. It's always a bad one. I am rubbing my legs and doing extra stretching the past few days, hoping that will help also. Right now I am mentally preparing for vicious wind, rain, hills miles 3-6 and 8-10. I can do it! I'm telling myself rain is good. The hills aren't so least I'm not in the mountains.

This run is over so I can put in one more run to keep me loosened up and ready for Saturday.

3 mi run; .25 mi walk; RPE - 3; muscles - YAOW!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

GU goo

I just wasn't into this run today. I really wanted to run last night, but was scheduled to run with J this morning. I woke up at 4:15, felt like rolling over again, but got up anyway. I later saw the Prom bus coming back when I wanted to leave. I finally just left at 5:10 so I wouldn't be late to meet J. I must have been making good time because I was about 8 min early meeting her. Great feeling!

I started the run with a new sample of GU gel. That was absolutely the weirdest thing I've ever had. It was so hard to choke down. Not sure I will be able to eat those things throughout the run. yuck. It almost made me sick. Guess it's just something I'll have ot get used to, like drinking fluids. The first one was tri-berry. Flavor-wise, it was ok, but not something I'd die to have again. When I got to J's I had a strawberry banana one. Eating it was totally disgusting again, but the flavor was pretty good. I just couldn't bring myself to eat another one on the run. It left my fingers very sticky and gross the rest of the run.

I was totally exhausted on the run. She usually has to "pull" me the last mile or two. My hip (ITBand) was feeling a little better today. At least I didn't nearly fall over when I got out of bed. The first 5 miles without her were so very hard. I really felt like I was doggin it. I needed lots of strong inner voice going. All I could think was I had 11 more miles to go after that; 21 for an actual marathon. That kinda got me down for the rest of the run. I really had to push myself.

I feel like I'm getting down again on everything and that a marathon is out of reach again. I have to get over this because next week is the Drake Half. I am anticipating cold and storms. I may have to go shopping for better running clothes if this is the case. :( I just hope there isn't lots of wind. I really really want to finish in 2 1/2 hrs. I know I'm not supposed to have time goals like this, but anyone finishing in that time gets a medal. How cool would that be?! It's a very attainable goal for me as I've been averaging less than 10-min mile. They secure the route for an 11-min pace which even if I slow way down or something happens, I think I will still be able to reach that.

16 mile run; .5 mile walk; RPE - 4

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Injinji & ITBS

When I got home tonight there was a package at the back door. Bill had ordered some Injinji running socks for me to avoid blisters. They are toe socks so i was completely unimpressed. He talked them up as if they were miracle socks for running. "Hope they do my dishes too!" is what I was really thinking. The package claims to "properly align toes for better posture, gripping and balance ... increased dexterity and tactile sensitivity ... strengthens the muscles in foot and leg ... " Yeahhh, right.

OK, so I ran and at minimum my blisters weren't any worse. I had to wear them around the house to get used to someting between my toes. When I first put on my shoes, it felt as if I had so much more room in my shoes. I was expecting the exact opposite. I did some stretching and went downstairs because the weather was bad outside. I have developed some pretty good callouses on my toes so that is good.

My hip has been bothering me since my last big run. J mentioned that it might be my IT Band and I should look for some ITBS testing, uh I mean ITBStretches. While I don't think they are doing much for me, I was at least able to walk today. I ran a good run tonight. I thought if the socks are too weird, my leg hurts too much, or something else comes up, I will only do 4-5 miles, but I got all 8 done tonight. That was a good accomplihsment.

I got signed up for my first 1/2 marathon! It was a whim really. J was telling me about the Drake Half and how the deadline was this week. I went home, did some internet browsing, and wha-la! The date was actually cleared on my calendar so it was meant to be. It's fun to think that I will be "only" running 13 miles that day.

Run 8 miles; walk .5 miles; RPE - 3.5

Monday, April 12, 2010

a short recovery run

14 mph winds again today. I was going to run around the south loop, but wanted to avoid the winds. I really only ran about 4 miles. Again, the recovery run was tough. I was going to run in the winds no matter what! "It just doesn't matter".

I mixed up some Gatorade and took off. I first headed west with the wind about 1.5 miles and then back into town. That was a tough one, but good resistence training for me. I figured over 20mph run considering the headwind and the 6mph average I usually run.

Got myself signed up for the Drake 1/2 marathon. I have 2.5 hrs to complete it and get a medal. I know I can do that. I am so excited!! Looking forward to it in a couple weeks. I am scheduled to run 18 miles that weekend so I will keep thinking 18, but finish a little early.

4 mi run; .25 mi walk; RPE - 4

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I will NOT get blisters

Ok, I've had it with blisters! I woke up this morning, got out the band-aids and wrapped up my toes. 6 bandaids and 16 miles later it worked! YEAH! I also used my new Body Glide and didn't get the chaffing and cuts like I usually do. These two things alone made it a very successful run. SOOOooo excited!

We ran out to the blacktop that turns to Kamrar today. J had never been that far out that directions and it was another one of my fears...can I really go that far? I had to do it. We "found" a dog who had a vicious bark. Fortunately, a car came slowly so he went after that and left us alone. We also saw/heard tons of other dogs this morning.

It was a beautiful morning for a run. I stepped outside and it was so incredibly clear. I don't think I've ever seen so many stars from in town. I love running when the sun is coming up. We had to start at like 4:45 this morning because of my hectic schedule, but it was so nice to see the sunrise. That is perhaps my favorite part of outside morning running.

Overall, it was a relatively hard run. I really felt like I was working hard most of the way. There was one time I was a little concerned about my breathing; it was like I couldn't catch my breath, almost hyperventilating. I almost stopped, but got control of myself. It was kinda scarry, but I think I have a better appreciation for what asthma people feel like.

16 mile run; .4 mile walk; RPE-4.5

Thursday, April 8, 2010

2 steps forward; 1 back

ARGH!!! OK, I'm down 10 miles on my schedule this week so I knew I had to run today. Since my shortest runs are now 5 miles my goal was do at least 5 today. All day I was thinking I would run to Ellsworth and back (8 miles), but after school things got rather crazy. It was 6:00 and there was no plan for supper yet. Bill is frustrated that I don't eat with the family much anymore so I decided to throw left overs on the table and eat with my family tonight. That meant I had to wait at least an hour or two or I would get sick. I finally got to running at 8:30.

It was so dark that I just reverted to the basement again. This is becoming my safety net because of my blisters. If they get bad, I can just stop. If I'm out in the middle of nowhere, 6 miles from home, it's a little more difficult. Well, tonight I got myself a fresh blister. The ginormous big toe blister is becoming tolerable so I just put a couple bandaids on that one and went running. I should have bandaged the index toe right beside it though. Dang. I could feel it at about mile 1.6; I knew I was in trouble. I just kept thinking, "at least I'm not doing another 14.4 miles!" It was a tough run tonight. I didn't get much out of my show because I could feel the blister getting bigger and deeper. Dang!

I was a little more conscious of my feet tonight. I can't watch them for reason though, not sure why. ??? But I was thinking of how my toes are situated in the shoes at each step. I tried to run "normal". I tried to run with my toes scrunched up, all together. I tried to run with them fanned out like webbed duck feet. I tried to curl them. I tried everything. After all this, I think my normal run is making them slightly curled, but only on the left side. This may be why the tip is getting blistered. However, the blister seems to appear more on the top edge of the toe, right above the toenail.

5 mi run; .5 mi walk; RPE - 3.5

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Tonight was the last CCD night so I'm hoping things will start to settle down again in my schedule. Running is really start to take a lot of time with these longer runs. I had a 12+ hr day today, came home, rounded up the troops, headed out and back again at 8:00ish. Get everyone to bed so I could run.

Because it was so dark, I have been running on the treadmill for these shorter runs. I was determined to get at least 5 miles in. My schedule dictates 5-8-5-16 miles this week. At 5 miles I was still feeling strong so I kept going to 8. I feel like it has been a looong time since I ran (5 days), but it was a really good run and it gave my toes time to heal.

While running tonight I burped vomit. yuck! I have also had stomach aches lately with no appetite. I hope I'm not getting sick. I think maybe I just need some sleep. That was the main reason I didn't run last night: I thought sleep would be better than running.

8 mile run; .25 walk; RPE - 2.5

Saturday, April 3, 2010

I'm Too Sexy

Bill loaded up my ipod with a playlist that took me all the way through a 16-mi run this morning. At around mile 11 I started feeling crappy, probably looked crappy, and then all of a sudden "I'm Too Sexy" came on the playlist. I laughed and it pushed me through the remaining 5 miles. Great! At about mile 14 I heard, "Everybody Hurts". 2 more miles...

I was a little concerned all week because they were forecasting winds, thunderstorms, all around bad weather for today. I kept looking at the weather. The winds were consistently at 10-14 mph. This morning I woke up at 5 and the predictions showed 5-10 until about 8 this morning. I can do that! It was beautiful weather all week so I was so hoping for shorts today, but the temps stayed in the 30s so I thought better of it. Good thing.

The Battle of the Blisters rages on. I thought I had sufficiently calloused my big toe, but when I got home, took off my shoes, I felt as though I had a 6th toe growing there the blister was so big. I finally popped it because it was really bothering my other toes and red "juice" came spewing out. ugh. It is sooooo painful; just a touch from my other toe is like knife stab. I have a new place for a blister: under my index toe. It is starting to spread to the inner side of my toe. The blister on the tip of my left middle toe is still reappearing also. Any other blister prevention strategies? Given all this, the shoes are MUCH better than the old ones. Perhaps a wide would have been better? Maybe I just have fat toes and that's not good running toes.

All in all, it was a good run. I felt slower than usual, but I finished having run all the way. That's my goal: finish. Ironically I didn't do a lot of mental preparation this week. If anything, it was a negative mental week this week as I wasn't expecting to be running today. With Easter tomorrow I thought maybe I wouldn't get this big run in this week. J only had 14 miles so I ran 2 before meeting her. That is probably best as I tend to dart out of the start box. It takes a few miles to get in the groove. Seems like running is always in the back of mind, thinking about the big run of the week. Not this week. I just got up and started running. Got through the difficult parts and stopped when it was over. Guess that's a good thing; maybe it's becoming "normal". However, just like childbirth, it's the after affects that are gettting me! I will birth a hundred kids, but the recovery sticks around for weeks.

16 mi run; .5 mi walk; RPE - 4

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Back to the basement

Well, I did a 7 mile run last night in the basement on the treadmill. I feel like I cheated, but I was o very busy and I didn't feel like running in the dark last night so I just went downstairs. I got to watch Lost for the first time in what seems like forever.

The run was really great. I really needed a good one to follow the last one. Not sure why I have a crappy run after a long run. It was mostly an easy run. I tried to visualize where I was outside on my run at different mile markers. I got down to the last 1.5 miles and it started getting tough, but overall it was great.

I am still having problems with the middle left toetip. I pulled a bunch more skin off it the other night before so it looked quite ugly. When I got done running, I looked at it again and the blister seemed to be deeper and bigger. ugh, will this ever go away?

7 mi run; .5 mi walk; RPE 3.5

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I gave up

There were 30mph gusts today. It felt like it took 2 hrs to go 1/2 mile south. I was totally dogging it. I have been fighting a cold that is settling in my chest. I have been thinking postive this week, but it's getting ahead of me.

I went out with no beverage, no music, nothing, just me and the road again. I was only going to do 4 miles so it was going to be quick. I quickly felt my chest tighten up, but kept dredging along into the wind. It was only 4 miles; I could do it! After a couple of miles my lungs started to burn and I knew wouldn't make it. I knew I didn't drink enough today and was rather dehydrated. That didn't help either. I just couldn't achieve the "flow". I felt like everything was against me. I just stopped and walk the 3-4 blocks home. :( I didn't want to do damage to my body and it was screaming "stop!"

In hindsight, I think I struggle with runs after these long ones. My legs weren't terribly achy; it just wasn't a good run. I wish I could have a little more rest time in between long runs. J may want to get the long run in Thurs night and I think the winds will stick around so I am anxious about that. I now have a new record for wind running!

2.3 mi run; .4 mi walk; RPE - 6

Sunday, March 28, 2010

My new favorite number: 14

Yes, this is correct. 14 miles today. 14 mph winds. 14 oz Gatorade drank during the run. About 1400 calories burned X2. 140 straight minutes of running. New shoes about 1.4 sizes bigger than the old ones. Smiling for 14 hours afterward. Great run!!

I ran a couple miles on gravel this morning. It was the darkest dark I've ever seen. I couldn't see anything. I judging where to run by feel of my feet. After the first mile or so I passed a house and all of a sudden a deep barking came from the property! YIKES. Please be nice please be nice please be nice... This large black lab came charging after me, jumped on me, scratching my leg. I didn't know if my pants ripped from his claws or if he just gave me a big scratch. He was really trying to get my Gatorade bottles on my waist. I kept pushing him away. He actually turned out to be a nice dog and ran with me for about 12 miles.

J only had to do 9 miles today and decided she would do my last 9 with me. That actually turned out to be a good thing. Although the winds were terribly strong today, I kept going. I felt really strong, too. The 14 miles seemed like 10 miles I did a couple weeks ago, only better. I got up at 5, was on the road by 5:15, and meet with J around 6ish and we finished the last 9 miles. At the end of the run, I still felt like I had some in me. My legs were strong, I was in the "zone", and my muscles weren't aching so much.

The wind was definitely a contender today. The 3ish miles I had to run straight north were a big challenge, but I did it! Westward roads were difficult, too, but at least I felt like I was going somewhere. ;) I think this was the strongest wind I've run in out in the open like today.

The shoes were GREAT! Only a week old, but now that I have a long run in them, they are much better than the old ones. I still have some blisters, but nothing like the old ones. I have a new spot for a blister - the little piece of skin/fat right behind my index toe on the left formed a blister. Didn't think this was possible, but I can now say it is!

When I got home, I made a conscious effort to stretch. My thighs weren't burning like they were last week so that's good. We didn't have so many hills like last time, either. Things just glided along smoothly on this one. Later, after I showered, relaxed, etc I noticed my calves were a little achy, but this is truly the best I've felt after a long run yet! YEAH!!

14 mile run; .5 mile walk; RPE - 5.5 into the wind/3 other times

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Another missed family meal

Running through the pain. Can I do it? Yes I can! My right thigh is still very owie. Positive thinking worked well tonight...and some Tylenol. Had to make the switch to avoid heart issues. :(

OK, I got my run done, but missed yet another meal with my family. I put supper in the crockpot this morning and then just made some pasta to go with it after school. When I got home they were done, I showered, got dressed and we were off to the next item on the schedule. As I was running I thought about them at home all sitting around the table eating without me, wondering if this is really what I want in life. ugh, such a dilemma.

The run itself wasn't bad. I had a mindset of 14 miles so 4 was really quite easy. I passed a number of people driving, walking, or just out and about. That keeps my head high and my feet moving forward. The longer runs make me less responsible in this regard. I've noticed the more tired I am, the more I "sit". My form breaks down and I am running more in a squatting position, especially uphills.

4 mile run; .25 mile walk; RPE - 3.5

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Gliding Machine

Short run. No music. No bandaids. No drugs. No bike. No kid(s). No double socks. No jacket. No running belt. No fluids. No phone. Just running. Just the night. Just the road. Just me. Just new shoes! Just gliding along. Just 51 degrees. Just a great run!

Since it was evening and all the street lights were on, I often got a glimpse of my shadow running. It was kind of surreal watching myself run like that. Bill says I run funny because I don't kick up my knees or my feet behind me. I felt really smooooth, though, like I was gliding along on the road. I felt strong, like a marathoner!

BAM! 3.5 miles. UGH!! Side ache set in. I was determined to finish the run without stopping. It was such a great run and then utter pain. wow. It was getting harder to breathe. I finally made it to the end, almost teary it hurt so much. I think I just didn't wait long enough after eating supper to run. I finished, though. Task completed. Getting ready for 14 miles this weekend.

OK, so my runs lately have left my right side terribly sore. My hip joint started bothering me tonight after the run and my knee is bothering me. I also had a few blisters on the tips of my toes on the left side, too. argh. 14 miles may not be good for my feet. We'll see. It will be a 9 day break between 12 and 14 miles so that will help the healing process, too. I am rather amazed at how quickly my feet heal each week.

4 mile run; .4 mile walk; RPE - 3

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Having doubts

Well, I decided to do 6 miles today because this week looks rather busy. Now I only have 2 - 4 mile days before the next big run. The run was all messed up and this week has been rough.

For the past few weeks I have been ready to sign up for the marathon. I am so proud of myself running 1/2 marathon last Thursday; it's awesome! That's where I left my confidence. I discovered I've been running with bad shoes and then I didn't stretch enough after the long run that my muscles were still achy on the next two runs. I was really struggling today to get the full run in. Many times I just wanted to quit. I had to really activate my self-talk. I was frustrated. Everything was negative. I tried to think positive thoughts, but am having doubts about really being able to finish a marathon. :(

Noelle started biking with me today and pooped out at 1 mile so she went home and Rachael was going to meet me in Dogtown so we could run the Ethanol Loop. I got to Dogtown, called home and found out she left awhile ago. OK, I thought, she will be catching up soon. Never saw her. Got to the corner to turn north and she stiiiillllll wasn't there. I stopped, looked back and didn't see her coming. I thought I better turn around. ugh. This isn't my idea of a good run! Got back into town and there she was waiting for me. I had "lost" a mile by then so didn't want to do the Loop so I kept running what I thought was another 3.5 miles in town. For not knowing a map and just guessing, I came pretty close to 6 miles. This was another stressor on the run. UGH.

OK, now that's over. My shoes feel great. I'm still waiting for a long run, but I think this will work. My feet are still a little tingly, but I am hoping I have more toe room in the front. I can still feel a rub on my left middle toe tip. I had a band-aid on it today, as well as my right big and index toes. This could have come into play with all this, but I think these shoes will be much better than the others for running. No serious blisters forming that weren't already there so I'm excited about that.

I got a new Fitness magazine in the mail this weekend. They had an article on top shoes to buy. For stability in running, the Brooks Adrenaline GTS10 took top honors. This helped my mental game a bit today. I didn't feel the pounding on the pavement like I did yesterday. Things were much smoother in that regard. My shins were knife-cutting yesterday, but they were better today.

5.7 mile run; .3 mile walk; RPE - 4